Civics Update October 2023

Edmonton's Zoning Bylaw Update:
A Chance to Shape Our City's Future

Edmonton is updating its zoning rules, which have been the same for over 60 years. This is a chance to rethink what is allowed in terms of building and make sure it fits with plans for our City’s future.

Learn more here

City Council is having a big meeting to talk about the new zoning rules and changes across the city. You can sign up to speak and share your thoughts with City Council.

When: October 16, 2023
Time: 9:30 am
Where: Council Chamber, 2nd Floor, City Hall
1 Sir Winston Churchill Square, Edmonton, AB

Before the meeting, it's a good idea to read over the summaries of the proposed rule changes. This will help you understand how these changes might affect your property, neighborhoods, businesses, and the environment in Edmonton. For more info and helpful resources, check out the Zoning Library.