Climate crisis

Facing the climate emergency at home in Ritchie: Workshop Feb. 23 @ 1 p.m.

Join Irene and John McDermott, Ritchie residents and city-certified climate change ambassadors (not to mention professional facilitators), as they help us figure out what the climate emergency means in our homes and in our neighbourhood. It’s not a lecture, but a conversation among participants. Sunday, Feb. 23 starting at 1 p.m. at Ritchie Hall.

Their first Climate Conversation, in November, was attended by 20 residents. February’s workshop is one of four planned for the coming year.

These quarterly workshops are among several Keep Ritchie Green events planned for 2020. They are part of a “citizen series” which provides a venue for local residents to share their expertise with neighbours on an environmental topic of their choice. Suggestions welcome!

Keep Ritchie Green: Home and Yard Series, where speakers are recruited to provide practical advice for homeowners, returns March 16 and on the third Monday of the month thereafter. Watch Ritchie’s website, Facebook, and e-newsletters for upcoming topics and times.