COVID-19 Forms

In-person participation in Ritchie programs and events requires a bit more recordkeeping than in pre-pandemic times.

We ask that you fill in THREE forms for each event, program or activity you plan to attend.

1) The COVID-19 Waiver can be completed in advance. For ongoing programs with multiple sessions, you need only complete the Waiver once.

2) Complete the COVID-19 Declaration within a day or two of the event, program or activity you’ll be attending. As with the Waiver, if the program involves multiple sessions, the Declaration need only be completed once.

3) On the day of the program, event or activity, complete the Daily COVID-19 Checklist. This Daily Checklist must be completed prior to EACH session, for programs with multiple sessions,

You may want to print the Daily Checklist for ready reference, or you can complete it online here each time.